New Additions to Bedroom Wall Art
17th August 2015
Taking the decision to slowly cover the back wall of my bedroom with various paintings, all of which will mostly be inspired by Dean Crouser's art work as I just can't get enough of his style! The stag head was the first to be completed, then the top bird soon after. After almost a year!!! out, and little time to paint, I've FINALLY been able to get back to it. So to start with I played it safe with the little butterfly, a simple addition and colour blast. Then.. I tackled the Wolf.
An animal I've never painted before and tend to stray away from- most of my paintings have been birds/flowers/butterflies in this style, so this was a challenge. I saw Crouser's version and loved it, and thought it would look pretty cool next to the stag. So I dived in and took it on. The outlining in pencil looked pretty awful, but I stayed committed and started painting away. Thankfully it all came together pretty decently and I'm quite happy with how its looking. It's not perfect, and I can tell Ive not painted for a while, but the little fella doesn't look too bad amongst the others.
Watch out for more additions to come!